A place for random musings. Tune in at the risk of your own boredom. I in no way guarantee that any of this will be even remotely entertaining, interesting, or thought-provoking. Any similarities to persons living or dead, events, and situations alluded to in these pages are most definately intentional.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

I had an interesting debate with Lina last night that dealt with the natural diet of the modern man. Even though we're both obviously meat eaters, she has occasionally expressed interest in a vegetarian diet. I am on the other side of things, with no such desire in my mind.

Her argument was an interesting one, and forced me to think a little about exactly what we are as a species. She maintains that a vegetarian diet would be a healthier one for a human to pursue, given the proper supplements in proteins and other nutrients that we generally get from meats. That could be true, depending on what the majority of the vegetarian's diet is made from. For example, protein supplements are often made from soy. Vegetarians also tend to consume more soy products such as tofu to deal with the lack of protein in their diet. Studies have shown that excessive amounts of soy protein can be a cause of cancer and can cause impotence in males.

If we want to be healthier as a whole, we should probably consider cutting out starches, carbohydrates, and excessive sugars from our diets. These things are the leading causes of obesity in North Americans, partially because we weren't intended to consume such things in the first place. Our bodies just don't deal well with them.

This brings me to my main thought on the matter. I am an omnivore. I fully realize and embrace this. I have four sharp teeth that are primarily used to rip apart meat. I do not have any quams about eating an animal; this is what nature has intended me to do. You don't see a bear protesting outside a rabbit's hole, carrying signs that read "Save the Animals" or any other ridiculous nonsense that animal activists would have us read. They and every other creature on this planet know what their role in our food chain is. Leave it to humans to get one of the most basic of natural instincts confused.

That's it for me today. I hope you enjoyed my rant on human nutrition. I leave you with this:

"My body is a pyramid that's made of healthy food
So do what we say
Eat right everyday
I love you" - Marilyn Manson, from The Food Pyramid

- Colin (invincibleironman@hotmail.com)


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