A place for random musings. Tune in at the risk of your own boredom. I in no way guarantee that any of this will be even remotely entertaining, interesting, or thought-provoking. Any similarities to persons living or dead, events, and situations alluded to in these pages are most definately intentional.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Alright, I'm dreadfully sorry. It's been at least two weeks now since I last posted, and I feel like a dunce for it. I could make the excuse that I've just come off of playing five soccer games in six days, but I choose to accept responsibility for my own actions. Nevertheless, I have returned for another round.

To the kind gremlin who's fanmail I haven't replied to yet: I will be getting to that. The fans shan't be ignored!

The other day, I managed to secure an interview with a company that I shall not disclose at this point in time. Wanting to gain any edge that I possibly could, I ventured out and with Lina's help came home with a shiny new suit to impress my would-be employers. Now, the interview went very well and I'm waiting to hear back from them on Monday. In fact, I'm remotely confident that this may my chance to blow this popsicle stand and get on with life.

However, all of this talk about careers changing combined with my recent four day weekend seems to have catalyzed in my mind and given me Office Space syndrome. To those unfamiliar with the term, it's a feeling that's both frightening and liberating at once. See, on Tuesday morning I decided that I simply didn't want to go to work. Yeah, that's right. For the first time in my life, I seriously considered just not showing up for work. I wasn't going to quit work or anything. I was just going to stop showing up. What an epiphany! Four day weekend? Screw it - this could be a four month weekend!

You know what didn't help either? When I finally pulled my ass out of bed and made it in for my opening shift, there was a weekend's worth of work that hadn't been done and left for me. I was bloody furious, I was. It was like fate pulling some cruel joke on me, mocking me for not taking the road less traveled by and staying at home. That'll teach me for not listening to Mr. Frost.

So now I sit, waiting silently for the signal. I want - no, I need this to go through for my own sanity and ravenous thirst for change. More than ever, I am in need of something more.

- Colin (invincibleironman@hotmail.com)