A place for random musings. Tune in at the risk of your own boredom. I in no way guarantee that any of this will be even remotely entertaining, interesting, or thought-provoking. Any similarities to persons living or dead, events, and situations alluded to in these pages are most definately intentional.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

This week on Clerks: "Update-a-thon" or "Badgers are Scary, Guy!"

I vowed to keep this going at a more reasonable rate and damnit I'm going to stick to it. Sorry about not being here for the past little while. Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't playing Disgaea for the whole time. I did stop to eat some cake once in awhile. So here I am now, comin' at ya front and center.

Has everyone seen this yet? How is this popular? What the bloody hell is going on? Seriously! I don't get it! If someone can explain it to me, please do so. I'll even give you a cookie.

I had the pleasure of camping with Lina the weekend before last. We had fun, despite the difficulty we had pitching the tent and keeping the air mattress inflated. I returned exhausted and sore as hell from sleeping (maybe sleeping is too generous a word) on rocks for two nights, but somehow it was a relaxing experience. I think we're going to do it a few more times this summer, but this time we'll make sure the accomodations are up to snuff.

As long as we're talking about weekends, I should mention that Burtonium's grad BBQ was held this past Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mikolayenko were gracious enough to allow a few of us hooligans to come down and celebrate with our buddy. Not only did they throw a kick-ass shindig, but they served up some great BBQ-style eats with a lot of beer. Burton was in the finest form I've seen him in, two-fisting his beers all afternoon before finally passing out around 11-ish. Dan and Lina both tied one on as well, but both managed to stay awake. Yours truly was the last one drinking of us youngins, taking part in traditional Mikolayenko-strength rum and cokes with Mr. M until 1:30 or so. All in all, everyone had a blast and made sure Burton passed into this new phase in life with all the style and grace of a drunken, rampaging wombat.

Tonight was great! Ragnarok FC completed a comeback of epic proportions in Southport, Manitoba. With us down 4-1 only ten minutes into the second half, things looked grim at best. However, something lit a fire under us, our midfield started clicking with our attackers, and we played a fucking synergistic 35 minutes of footy. There was no way we would drive an hour out of town to get thumped and that showed in every pass we made. We bombarded our opposition with runs and shots, scored five unanswered goals, and ran out eventual 6-4 winners. So now we have a goals for that sits at a staggering 13 in four games. That's pretty impressive for a team that barely scored 35 all of last season.

On the topic of footy, the Euro's are on right now and I'm enjoying them immensely. So far, I've felt many emotions that only these world soccer events can bring out in me. I laughed heartily at the expense of the Portugese when they were beat 2-1 by the lowly Greeks. I was both enraged and saddened when England (!) gave up a 1-0 lead in the 93rd minute to France, only to have the French come back and score a winner two minutes later, seconds before the final whistle. I've yet to watch Sweden vs. Bulgaria, but I'm sure it'll be a doosey as well. Tomorrow is another clash of Titans, with Holland taking on Germany. No matter the outcome, I know I'm going to shed a tear for one of my favorite teams.

In non-football news, I will be in new music glory come tomorrow. Matt Good's new album is finally here, accompanied by a new Beastie Boys record that managed to slip undetected past my tunage radar. This is shaping up to be a great month!

That's all for me. Time for some more footy!

- Colin (invincibleironman@hotmail.com)


Blogger Bryan said...

Hey Hey good to hear the Rag is doin well! Keep it goin bro!

How about that volley by Van Nistelroy to tie the game at 1? Hot damn that was a BEAUT!

June 15, 2004 at 10:22 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
[url=http://sbtwsrxi.com/jfxk/ggwe.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://pzeuxdhs.com/fzbv/dwju.html]Cool site[/url]

September 15, 2006 at 6:27 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
http://sbtwsrxi.com/jfxk/ggwe.html | http://hoftdjmp.com/scjm/uxuo.html

September 15, 2006 at 6:27 p.m.


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