A place for random musings. Tune in at the risk of your own boredom. I in no way guarantee that any of this will be even remotely entertaining, interesting, or thought-provoking. Any similarities to persons living or dead, events, and situations alluded to in these pages are most definately intentional.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

What's so tragic about being hip?

Shhhh... don't tell anyone that I'm doing an update. I'm trying to cultivate a reputation here. Do I look like a slacker?

I'm awfully sorry about the lack of updates on this site. I've been dreadfully busy lately... which I know is no excuse for ignoring my public. However, I've been busy with things that nobody really cares about and that would make for boring blogging. And it is my experience that boring blogging is far worse than no blogging at all.

So the outdoor soccer season is now officially over for me. Both of our teams crashed out of the playoffs early after a fairly good league showing. Ragnarok had a few problems at the end of the year with attendance that resulted in more losses than we deserved, but all in all we had a productive year. Yo' Mama surprised everyone, nabbing an unexpected second place in the table before turning in a dismal playoff showing. I now have nearly a month to lick my wounds and recover from the past two weeks of cold, rain-soaked soccer.

Someone once told me that membership has its privileges. Well let me tell you, they were so right! As a member of The Hip Club since In Violet Light was released I had first crack at tickets to The Hip's upcoming show in Winnipeg on November 23rd. I spent Tuesday morning sitting at my desk, trying to turn up every detail before the presale time of 11:00 AM hit that morning. Soon after the tickets had gone on sale for a limited audience, I received my cherished letter from the fan club that instructed me as to how I could go about getting in on the advance sale. Thirty seconds and several dollars letter I was printing an early birthday present from Lina - the confirmation for fourth row seats on the floor. I still haven't come down from the emotional high I experienced when actually occurred to me that I was going to be sitting close enough to Canada's Band to get drenched by showers of Gord Downie's sweat. Sweet Christmas, am I excited!

Simply put, this concert is going to rock my socks off. In fact, I'll be surprised if we don't all leave the MTS Centre barefoot from all the sock blowage that's going to happen. That's right, I did say the MTS Centre. I neglected to mention that the concert takes place mere days after the opening of our biggest downtown project since the TD Tower was erected. What could be better than a night with The Tragically Hip in a shiny new arena that's a mere 20-minute bus ride from my house? Well I suppose it could be better if they play my top five... So in the spirit of High Fidelity...

Top 5 Hip songs that I want to hear performed live:

1. Nautical Disaster. This song is so moody and full of vibrant images that it begs to be played live. Also, it's probably my favorite Hip song of all time. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

2. Three Pistols. I always think of the cabin when I hear Three Pistols. It's got that classic sound that I love so much. This is vintage stuff, and the lyrics are fantastic. Besides, counting down pistols is fun and educational!

3. New Orleans is Sinking. If you had to name a signature Hip song, it would probably be New Orleans is Sinking. It's always served us well at parties and I'm sure it would hold up gloriously at a rock concert. The live version of this song is famous for Gord's long-winded story about how Shamu bit his arm off. Maybe he'll re-tell that story or maybe he'll tell something completely different... oh the excitement!

4. Locked in the Trunk of a Car. I once heard a live version of this song that was simply amazing. Downie went on and on in between verses and explained more and more of the story behind the song. As the title states, it's kind of a creepy song about locking someone in the trunk of a car and dumping the body. No wussy love song here... this is what rock 'n roll is all about!

5. Grace, Too. Another great live song, Grace, Too simply sounds really big. It's really well suited to concert play and is the kind of song that just entrances the audience. This is usually a staple song and appears on almost every setlist that I've looked into. There's a very good chance that I'll get to hear it.

There you have it. The skeleton of a perfect Hip show. At any rate it doesn't really matter what they play. I'll just be happy to be there, taking in a perfect little slice of pure Canadiana.

qotp: "We live to survive our paradoxes"
- The Tragically Hip, from Springtime in Vienna

- Colin (invincibleironman@hotmail.com)