A place for random musings. Tune in at the risk of your own boredom. I in no way guarantee that any of this will be even remotely entertaining, interesting, or thought-provoking. Any similarities to persons living or dead, events, and situations alluded to in these pages are most definately intentional.

Monday, March 15, 2004

It's been over a week since I've had the opportunity to address my dozens [Hurray for wishful thinking! -ed.] of fans out there. My apologies, but I'm sure that at least one good excuse follows.

The past week has been crazy with me on housesitting duty for my grandparents and trying to balance the rest of life out. Unfortunately, I have no computer at all while I'm staying there and that has made posting rather difficult. I do, however, have access to a vehicle now so I'm not as upset about the trade-off as I usually would be.

I am absolutely positive that there exists some sort of quantum space link between the two computers on my home network. It's as if they are trying to occupy the same physical space, because there has never been a moment where both machines are running at the same time. In the most recent entry to my ever-growing computer chronicle, I was able to fix the crappy machine in time to replace the good one when the motherboard shorted out the other day. Looks like I'll have to hold off playing City of Heroes, Total Club Manager 2004, WC3: Frozen Throne, and Unreal 2 until I can get a working mobo sent by Leadtek.

Soccer has also been taking up some time lately. The men's team still sits in dead last place although we are certainly playing better with each game. There's certainly no shortage of good soccer being played and the games are definately entertaining for those watching. On the other hand, the co-ed team affectionately named Yo' Mama is practically unstoppable as of late. We haven't lost in some time and are only one point out of first place, which we intend on making up in the next game against the leaders. We are certainly playing beyond anyone's expectations and are going into the most important match of the season on an incredible high. I myself have hit the form that I've been looking for, having scored six times in the last two matches (men's and co-ed).

So that's what's going on in my life right now. My next post shouldn't be more than a few days away as I have another piece of fan mail that I'd like to share.

Until next time, keep fit and have fun!

- Colin (invincibleironman@hotmail.com)


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