A place for random musings. Tune in at the risk of your own boredom. I in no way guarantee that any of this will be even remotely entertaining, interesting, or thought-provoking. Any similarities to persons living or dead, events, and situations alluded to in these pages are most definately intentional.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Has this really gone since last Thursday without a new update? I'm a terrible blogger, I know. However, in an effort to make myself look better I will direct you to my sister's blog. Now that's slack blogging!

It's been brought to my attention that my recent posts have been rather dry reading material. Apparently, certain parties actually thought I was remotely entertaining. I must rectify the situation promptly so as not to disappoint my loyal fan-base. My apologies, dear reader. I should not have given you false hope in the first place. From here on out only consistently boring posts will be entered, hereby creating a wondrous plateau of mediocrity.

I drove downtown in the snow at 8:30 on a Monday night, just to check out the late night record shop. It has never been so clear to me that music can date an individual just as well as any carbon-dating techniques you CSI junkies might be accustomed to seeing. I walked out carrying no less than three pieces of music that serve to declare my approximate time of graduation from high school. I present to you:

Exhibit A: The Philosopher Kings - Famous, Rich, and Beautiful.
Does anyone even remember these guys? The Kings are famous moreso for the side projects they've spawned than the work they've done together. Prozzak and Jarvis Church both stem from this talented group who have been lost somewhere in 1998.

Exhibit B: Garbage - Version 2.0.
Shirley Manson was actually voted as sexiest female in a large magazine publication around 1997 or 98. That struck me as odd back then and it strikes me as even odder in 2004.

Exhibit C: Underworld - 1992-2002.
This one's slightly obscure unless you're familiar with the electronica revolution of the mid-to-late 90's. Among all the acts (Leftfield, Future Sound of London, The Prodigy, ect.) that tried to strike it big in North America with this new wave tunage, Underworld is one of the only groups to have emerged successful. They hold a special place in my heart for their places on the soundtracks to Hackersand Trainspotting. Oh, and Cowgirl kicks ass.

These three exhibits, coupled with my constant requesting of Discotheque (BOOM-CHA!) at every social function I attend seem to point to one thing: I am a pretty cool guy. It's the only logical conclusion to be drawn, really. Indeed, I am a straight shooter with a master plan.

You didn't actually think I was going to say that I'm getting old, did you?

Today's posting is brought to you by Sammy the Seal. For $29.99, that's quite a deal. I'd even go so far as to say that was a steal for Sammy, Sammy the Seal.

Don't ask, just smile and nod. Yes, that's it. Good reader.

- Colin (invincibleironman@hotmail.com)


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